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I was never really fan of sculptures, and you might think that sculptures don’t have a place in modern art, but Carole A. Feuerman is here to prove you wrong. She is one of the best sculptors in the world and her exhibits have been featured all over the world. This sculptor lives and works in New York, and today we have some of her sculptures that we want to share with you.
Her sculptures are just incredible and today we have several of them that we want to share with you. Her sculptures represent women in swimming suits, and all of her sculptures look almost real, like they are alive. Her textures are highly detailed, and you can see a facial expressions and even water drops on each one. They are incredibly realistic and they are life size models and besides life size models, we have several sculptures that might look bit scary because they have no arms and legs, but nevertheless, her sculptures are something that all fans of art should check out.
