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Arts and Culture
Written by Administrator

I was never really fan of sculptures, and you might think that sculptures don’t have a place in modern art, but Carole A. Feuerman is here to prove you wrong. She is one of the best sculptors in the world and her exhibits have been featured all over the world. This sculptor lives and works in New York, and today we have some of her sculptures that we want to share with you.
Lifestyle -
Arts and Culture
Written by Administrator

Photography can be sometimes strange but in most cases it’s beautiful, and if you’re into strange but beautiful art, you might be interested in works of Regina de Miguel. These pictures are from a set of pictures that the author calls Report, and each of these pictures has a certain level of symbolism in it. As for the pictures, they are all black and white, and it seems that the certain objects are numbered. Besides numbering, some pictures include the list that explains the each number, so it resembles a bit to the instruction manual. While some pictures show interiors of laboratories with scientific equipment such as control panels, monitors and microscopes, some pictures provide certain level of symbolism that failed to understand. For example, some pictures show the cameraman surrounded by spotlights, as he is taking picture while floating in air. Of course, numbering is still present, as always.
Lifestyle -
Arts and Culture
Written by Administrator

I’m positive that you’ve visited a circus at least once when you were a kid. Back then, you probably didn’t’ realize that those animals are the main attractions in the circus and that people are coming to see them, and not the other performers. Artist Sam Wolfe Connelly though so too when he made this drawings so let’s check them out, shall we? There are four drawings by Sam Wolfe Connelly, and each of these drawings represents one of the animals that we see in circus. We have a wolf, wild cat, badger or raccoon, I’m not really sure what it is, and a bear. Since all of this animals are the main attraction of a circus, Sam Wolfe Connelly thought that people are coming to see the animals, and not the human performers.
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