
Clean and Still Untouched Rivers and Their Springs by Marc Adamus
Lifestyle - Travel and Places
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Rivers-and-Their-Springs-by-Marc-AdamusWater is one of the most beautiful and most amazing gifts which were given to humans. When we think about the water, we cannot avoid the rivers. If you look back in humans' history, you'll see that rivers' shores were main places where people built their settlements. Rivers can be considered as some kind of source of life.
Unfortunately, with the fast development of urban settlements and industrial production, those river which once were the source of life can be rather considered as source of death and disease, in today's world. Still, there is a plenty of rivers which have remained untouched and clean by now. Since clean rivers have became a real attraction in these days when everyone talks about the pollution and shortage of drinking water, it seems that they have begun to be more and more interesting for photographers.

The Portraits of Babies by Evan Kafka
Lifestyle - Arts and Culture
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Portraits-of-BabiesIt is always interesting to observe how small kids act and learn new things. If you watch some photos of older babies closely, you will be surprised how even those very young kids already have some personalities. When I see babies I always try to see how they could look like in 10 or 20 years.
For parents, their baby is something most beautiful in the world and it is amazing how they learn fast. That is why parents need to be careful and start teaching and raising their kids from the very beginning of their lives because babies do learn from their parents from the moment they were born.

Collection of Interesting and Unique Bottle Photography
Technology - Design
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Bottle-PhotographyIf we forget for a moment the content of observed bottles which often contain some of the most unhealthy and most poisonous drinks, we could say that some companies have managed to create interesting and unique bottles which became the very part of their branding and public image.
In today's world full of various bottled products, it is not so easy to create an unique brand and that is one of the main reasons why some companies are trying to create as unique as it is possible.
Some companies have succeeded in this manner, creating specific bottle shapes which are today easily recognized by consumers.

Beautiful and Unique Design of Spiral House in Spain, Madrid
Technology - Design
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Spiral-House-in-SpainDesigning and planning a building is not so easy job as it looks on first view, especially when you are working on a project which costs millions of dollars.
Here you are watching one of such objects which are result of genius design and construction of those who made them. This building is named Subarquiteura and it was designed by three architects: Andrés Silanes, Fernando Valderrama, Carlos Bañón.
They had a task to create an housing unit which could eventually host a few of families and which needed to be special in some way. They also needed to create it in that way that every apartment which would be built in it have an unique look at the mountains and landscapes which are surrounding it.

16-bit Games are Gone but Pixel Art Still Lives
Lifestyle - Arts and Culture
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Pixel-ArtThe appearance of new technologies has, beside other useful and useless things, always brought some new form of art. Pixel art is one of such kind of arts which have emerged as direct consequence of the appearance of computer technology. The older reader who have spend their childhoods playing some 16-bit games will probably find this kind of art very familiar. The appearance of this "art" has been conditioned by the particular phase of the development of computer graphic when computers were unable to render and display quality images.
The development of computer graphics technologies has, of course, continued but a lot of people have started to feel some kind of nostalgia, as those poor-graphic but cool games have started to be more and more forgotten and pushed out from the use.

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