
Unusual Container Building by dpavilion Architects
Technology - Design
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Container-Building-by-dpavilionWe have seen all sorts of weird buildings, but we haven’t seen any buildings that have huge containers on them. That’s right, this building has several containers that act as fully functional rooms, so let’s have a closer look at it, shall we?

As you can see from the pictures, this building holds several large containers with metal pillars, but besides pillars, this building is consisted from a lot of glass. That’s right, most of the walls are made out of glass, so it’s quite an attractive sight. Although this building doesn’t look that impressive on the outside, it’s quite amazing on the inside. Speaking of interior, what is this place anyway? It seems that this building has several different functions and according to the pictures, it has a dentist ordination, library, or a waiting room.

Double Exposure Photographs By Dan Mountford
Technology - Design
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Double-Exposure-PhotographsWe all love good photography, and if you’re into photography or if you just like a good photograph, today we have something that you might find interesting.
Today we have some pictures made by Dan Mountford so, let’s have a closer look at them, shall we? We  have to notice that all of his pictures are both simple and beautiful at the same time, and the key to these pictures is a technique called double exposure. I’m not sure how the double exposure works, but basically, this technique will allow you to have a picture inside of a picture, which in this case looks magnificent. We don’t know whether Dan used any tools for editing photos, such as Photoshop, while making these pictures, but it doesn’t matter since these pictures have their own beauty and simplicity.

People Who Look Exactly as Same as When They Were Small Kids by Neel Adams
Technology - Design
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Small-Kids-by-Neel-AdamsI have my own theory, which is pretty proven for me, that every human being forms his personality in very early ages of its life. It is amazing to see photos of some people who are in their 30's or 40's and to compare them with the photos of them while they were very young, almost babies. You will see that the most of people do really look like the same they did when they were young.
The skin or hair color and similar things may have changed a little bit but the look of eyes seems to be pretty same in most of cases. Of course this cannot be applied to everyone because some people do change.

Beautiful Photos of Places from All Over the World by Ben Visbeek
Lifestyle - Travel and Places
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Beautiful-Photos-by-Ben-VisbeekBen Visbeek is a professional photographer from Amsterdam, Netherlands who have traveled in lots of places and witnessed their beauty with his beloved camera.
His work as a photographer is not only based on taking nature photography but he also does some portraits of people he meets on his adventurous journeys.

I have already wrote somewhere about the benefits and pros of being traveling photographer and photographing amazing places all over the world.
Today we have prepared this small collection of his photography and we hope you will feel some amount of joy while watching them.

Beautiful Natural Features of Earth Photographed by Simon Chirsten
Lifestyle - Travel and Places
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Earth-Photographed-by-Simon-ChirstenDespite the fact that we are struck every day with all those news about the global pollution and global warming, our planet is still the most beautiful planet in universe (scientists are trying to prove the opposite but they haven't found anything similar yet, and I believe they will never find something similar).
Our beloved planet is full of unexplored parts of nature. I am surprised how can I see something strange and unusual related to Earth's nature every day. It seems that there are hundreds of thousands amazing places on this planet.
If you would want to become a photographer and if you would ask me for advice about what to photograph, I would, without much thinking, recommend you a nature as a source for your inspiration.

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