Lifestyle -
Arts and Culture
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Marco Zamora is an artist from California whose unrealistic freestyle paintings and drawings have became pretty appreciated in the world of arts. He works as a graphic artist but his true passion is painting which he does in his free time but it might be considered as his second job. He paints anything he find interesting and inspirational. His paintings are mostly done in gray-scale way but he uses to add some colorful details to some of his paintings which make them look pretty fancy.
Lifestyle -
Arts and Culture
Written by Administrator

In past, more than now, there was a very chosen group of people who could afford anyting they wanted. So their greediness has been so strong they had a golden cutlery. Here you can see some of the most amazing pieces of ancien cutlery. Some of them are true masterpieces with amazing decoration and other details...
Lifestyle -
Arts and Culture
Written by Administrator

This is the fantastic work of Berlin-based artist Alexander Korzer Robinson. The work is made by cutting through books to create assemblies of images in relief. Very skilled stuff. The cut book art has been made by working through the books, page by page, cutting around some of the illustrations while removing others. The images seen in the finished work, are left standing in the place where they would appear in the complete book. As a final step, the book is sealed around the cut, and can no longer be opened...
Technology -
Written by Administrator

Long exposure is perfect way to make your photography more unique and to insert a bit of your emotions in it. Cecil and Jens are artistic duo who are fascinated by photographing nature landscapes and, at the same time, making some paintings on it. Their photos are result of long exposure and intentional movement of light. We collected some of the most amazing of their photography-paintings...
Technology -
Written by Administrator

Having a properly designed and arranged stand for the goods you sell is one of the most important things for those who sell something. If you sell books then what would be better if your stand is made from pencils? Johannes Albert is interior designer who came to an idea about how to create unique book stand for Mittledeutscher Velrag publishing company...