Lifestyle -
Arts and Culture
Written by Administrator

Flower is one of nature’s gift that are beautiful, rich in colors and scents. Photographing flowers can be one of the hardest things to do. I have deep respect for any photographer who manages to do it well. Here are some examples how flower was taken beautifully in a brilliant concept that are mostly tagged in simplicity...
Lifestyle -
Arts and Culture
Written by Administrator

It’s possible this is the most intriguing food-as-art I’ve seen yet! San Francisco artist Liz Hickok sculpts, molds and casts scale models of urban city landscapes using Jell-O. There’s a lengthy process to get these installations ready for their eventual decay. She tells on her website that the installations can become quite uncontrollable and as you can imagine the Jello-O is susceptible to temperature and movement so the sculptures are often done in her studio...
Technology -
Written by Administrator

Sofa, it is a piece of furniture which is your best friend for the most of your life. The majority of people are spending the most of their time on the sofa and watching TV, playing games or just resting and sleeping. Some people do not care much about how their sofa does look like, they just buy one which is comfortable and cheap enough but others are pretty choosy and they try to find the best sofa which will be their everyday companion...
Lifestyle -
Travel and Places
Written by Administrator

Niagara Falls are one of the most exciting places in the world. They are considered as one of the most amazing wonders of the nature. They can be found on the border between United States and Canada, near Buffalo. Their beauty and their massiveness can look pretty frightening, sometimes. Niagara Falls are showing us how nature sometimes can be extremely wild and beautiful in same time. These waterfalls are also known as one of the main sources of the energy in Northern America. The very first hydroelectric power plant was built here by Nikola Tesla which lead to a revolution in use of the electric power...
Lifestyle -
Arts and Culture
Written by Administrator

Roberts Birze has a neat set called scattered images in which he creates surreal panoramas by combining a large number of digital photographs taken of a particular scene. The lovely scattered image art is a project where photographs are cut into many fragments and then put together to create a unique fragmented effect. Creating a scattered image panorama might be great as a present for someone if you were to have it printed out and framed...