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Written by Administrator
If we forget for a moment the content of observed bottles which often contain some of the most unhealthy and most poisonous drinks, we could say that some companies have managed to create interesting and unique bottles which became the very part of their branding and public image. In today's world full of various bottled products, it is not so easy to create an unique brand and that is one of the main reasons why some companies are trying to create as unique as it is possible. Some companies have succeeded in this manner, creating specific bottle shapes which are today easily recognized by consumers.
Technology -
Written by Administrator
Designing and planning a building is not so easy job as it looks on first view, especially when you are working on a project which costs millions of dollars. Here you are watching one of such objects which are result of genius design and construction of those who made them. This building is named Subarquiteura and it was designed by three architects: Andrés Silanes, Fernando Valderrama, Carlos Bañón. They had a task to create an housing unit which could eventually host a few of families and which needed to be special in some way. They also needed to create it in that way that every apartment which would be built in it have an unique look at the mountains and landscapes which are surrounding it.
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Written by Administrator

How often do you recycle? Recycling is quite important for preserving of nature and resources, and somebody’s junk can be someone’s treasure at the times, or in this case, art. So if you’re planning to throw away your junk, and not recycle it, you should maybe give it to Edouard Martinet because he can turn junk into art, or into sculptures.
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