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Michael Kutsche is an award-winning Conceptual Artist/ Illustrator and 3d Artist located in Berlin, Germany who has worked for the vfx industry since 1998. His experiences reach from art directing and animating commercials and music videos to character design for feature film projects. He just finished his work as a character designer on Tim Burton’s “Alice in Wonderland”(2010) and is currently working on “John Carter of Mars”(2012), directed by Andrew Stanton.
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Written by Administrator

Kerem is a Turkey based graphic designer who started drawing from his early childhood and then properly studied graphic designing from Gazi University. He got inspired by comic books and start drawing, and now he is a professional graphic designer working in different places...
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Written by Administrator

After hearing about the giant mirror in a little village in Italy, I decided to look around for more innovative cool inventions. And to little surprise, what I found was just enough to summaries in a top 10 list. Here are the 10 most innovative and cool inventions and designs in my own personal opinion. Some are mindblowing by functionality, other by concept and idea. The rest is just innovatively looking and will surely amaze you. Really, a longer top-list is needed to cover all the coolest inventions and innovations but you have to save something for later right? Enjoy...