Lifestyle -
Arts and Culture
Written by Administrator

In a classroom somewhere in China, a teacher gives an anatomy lesson using dolls with a group of very young students. Perhaps this is why the Chinese population is so large.
Lifestyle -
Travel and Places
Written by Administrator

Imperial China, in the nineteenth century was in a state of decay. Accompanied and partly responsible for the deterioration of a once powerful empire was the increasing pressure from the West and later from Japan. The Chinese had been badly beaten in the Opium wars with Britain (concluded in 1842) and were forced to open Chinese ports to foreign trade and residents. The Manchu dynasty, already ravaged by domestic rebellion, found itself powerless to resist further demands from Western Powers and between 1856 to 1898, a network of foreign control over the entire Chinese economy had been established.
Lifestyle -
Arts and Culture
Written by Administrator
Mascots enjoy dancing around security guards as it entertains the fans. A Banana dances to the Peanut Butter Jelly song during a break at a baseball game. This banana shows off his dance moves but seconds later the security guard shows off moves of his own.