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Arts and Culture
Written by Administrator
I always loved realistic painting. I think that true artist has to prove himself in field of realistic painting because, today, everyone can take a brush and some paint and to scratch some crazy pattern and to tell everyone that he just created unrealistic painting which seems to be sold for hundred millions of dollars...
Lifestyle -
Arts and Culture
Written by Administrator
Flower is one of nature’s gift that are beautiful, rich in colors and scents. Photographing flowers can be one of the hardest things to do. I have deep respect for any photographer who manages to do it well. Here are some examples how flower was taken beautifully in a brilliant concept that are mostly tagged in simplicity...
Lifestyle -
Arts and Culture
Written by Administrator
It’s possible this is the most intriguing food-as-art I’ve seen yet! San Francisco artist Liz Hickok sculpts, molds and casts scale models of urban city landscapes using Jell-O. There’s a lengthy process to get these installations ready for their eventual decay. She tells on her website that the installations can become quite uncontrollable and as you can imagine the Jello-O is susceptible to temperature and movement so the sculptures are often done in her studio...